State-of-the-art online aerosol sampler was developed by Centennial Technology. To provide better insight into aerosol sources, atmospheric transport, chemical reactions, and many approaches have been developed recently to allow aerosol chemical composition measurements on much faster timescales. New Particle Condensation System (PCS) sampler coupled to two ion chromatography developed for high time resolution measurement of PM2.5. The approach for a new PCS sampler combines three proven aerosol technologies, such as particle growth in a saturator, particle condensation in a condenser, and droplet collection by a single jet inertial impactor. The collected sample was analyzed with an Ion Chromatograph (IC) to quantitatively measure the ionic compounds of PM2.5 for high time resolution. A modified saturator and condenser are employed to activate the particle growing. The impactor is used to collect the droplets into an impaction plate that is continuously washed out with the liquid stream containing an internal standard (10 μN LiBr) to determine dilution by condensed water. The collected samples were measured every 30 min depending on IC resolution time. Limit of detections (LOD) of PCS sampler for major ionic compounds (NO3 -, SO4 2- and NH4 +) in PM2.5 were 0.07 μg/m3, 0.02 μg/m3 and 0.01 μg/m3 respectively. Analytical precision of PCS sampler was 0.35% (NO3 -), 0.43% (SO4 2-) and 0.3% (NH4 +). Inter-comparison of the PCS sampler with Particle Into Liquid Sampler (PILS) was that the nitrate concentration of PCS sampler was 6% higher than PILS, indicating that nitrate dissociation would be minimum due to the lower temperature (~50°C) at the saturator of PCS sampler comparing the temperature of ~150°C at the saturator of PILS.